Saturday, July 7, 2012

I'm Back... And Its Summer!

Ok folks. I’m back! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. There has been so much going on since I last posted. Family stuff, school ended, I did VBS at my church, and I made it to Colorado safely. To start off the blog post I would love to dedicate this one to my AMAZING grandfather. He’s the only one I have left, sadly. He is one of the most amazing people I know. I honestly can’t imagine a world without him. He is so caring, loving, and just such an amazing example of a Christ follower. Monday- the first day of my spring break, I was woken up by my mom and told to get ready… I later found out that my grandpa had a massive stroke -the doctor’s words- and had paralysis on the right side; he could no longer talk and was pretty out of it… now four months, and five days later he is talking, eating breakfast lunch, and dinner seven days a week. Going from not being able to do anything and having a feeding tube –because your throat uses both sides to swallow- to eating every meal is so amazing. My grandpa and I always had this thing when we talked on the phone… whenever one of us picked up we would race to see who could say “you’re looking good,” I don’t really remember how it started but we’ve been saying that for as long as I can remember. Yesterday I was talking to him over the phone –my aunt was there with a phone- and as I was saying goodbye I heard him say something but couldn’t quite make out what it was, and my aunt told me that he said you’re looking good. Can I just say wow? So amazing. So on to happier things.  SCHOOL IT OUT FOR SUMMER! Can you tell I’m excited?  I only have one year to go now! I just found out my final GPA… drum roll please… 3.14!!! I worked too hard… the only class that brought it down was chemistry… all my other grades were amazing. I am so happy you guys!

This summer is starting out with so much fun! As I do every year, I helped out with my church’s summer spectacular. That was such a blessing you guys! One place that god has really laid my heart is in worship, and he has given me great opportunities. I do worship in the children’s ministry at my church and I get to be a part of it during VBS. Sadly that ended L a day later I got on a plane to Colorado. It is SO gorgeous here! I don’t know how people look at this natural beauty and still say there is no God. It just baffles me. I have done a lot of nothing here. My mom and I have gone a walk a couple of days and let me tell you… going from 700 feet above sea level to 7000 feet, is a lot less oxygen. That extra zero makes a huge difference! You actually burn calories breathing here. It’s crazy!

Well I think that’s all I have to say for now… I promise to post more often! Until next time!
